Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What do you want?

This quote by Jeffrey R. Holland has really had me thinking in the last week or so since it was shared in General Conference. It's made me think about what I want, and if I can be aiming higher.

Often, what I want actually holds me back from being happy. Wanting to finish another season of The Office usually wins over me wanting to study. Wanting to sleep in an extra hour or two wins over me working out that day.

In the moment, doing those things I want feels pretty good... But it's when my test score comes back and I worry about my GPA, and when I walk up a set of stairs and feel so out of breath, that I realize that my "wants" truly are holding me back from living a better life.

Wanting to stay in my comfort zone wins over me going out and trying something new, nine times out of ten. How many great opportunities have I missed? How many people could I have met? How much time have I wasted?

I want to want better.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Elk Island (no elk, just buffalos)

(In which I forgot to turn my ISO down, making the quality kind of awful. Sigh.)

Last Thursday, I got to go to Elk Island National Park with my Comm Tech group from high school.
   Megan, Mo, Connor, and I walked around with our cameras to try and find good spots to take pictures (the second picture is what pretty much everything looked like though). We were actually super surprised that we got to see a couple of buffalo grazing by the road. 
   After a while, we found a shelter to make a fire. One and a half boxes of matches and one hour later, we finally got a good fire going... A good fire that burned out in five minutes. Yes, I know, I am ashamed.
   It was good to be able to see my friends, and great to get behind my camera again. It had been too way long!


Thursday, January 28, 2016

A letter to the new year

Dear 2016,

We've been together for almost a whole month now. You've seen me at my best, and you've now officially seen me at my worst. Although not all of our moments together so far have been sunshine and sparkle, I have a really great feeling about this relationship. Already, you have brought me so much hope! You have helped me to see both the great things I already have and the amazing possibilities ahead. Already, you have brought me so many moments that have brought me closer to God.

2016, you have seen already how I say I will do a lot of things, and how I rarely do those things to the best of my ability (I don't even remember what my resolutions were...). This is how I've always been, but I want to make you proud. At the end of this relationship, I want to look back and be proud of myself too.

I'm hoping to take a lot more pictures and blog a lot more. I'm hoping to be able put others before myself and actively look for ways to serve. I would love to go on more adventures and try more things I haven't before. I would love for this to be my happiest year yet.

2016, I can't wait to run, explore, laugh, cry, and grow with you.

Lots of love,



Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Let's talk about depression

I have depression. It can make life very hard some times. The reason I don't post much to this blog isn't forgetfulness, it's the I-have-no-motivation and I-have-nothing-good-to-say feelings that I find myself with whenever I think of posting. 
I'm really OK for the most part. I've gotten the help I need, and because of that, I'm happy and healthy and I am doing things with my life. (Woo!)
But bad days still happen... days when my depression creeps up on me and makes everything wrong. Excitement turns into anxiety. Motivation turns into laziness. Love turns into loneliness. Smiles turn into tears. All of this wrongness fills me up, and it feels like I could just BURST.
When I have my bad days, it feels like all of my progress has been thrown away, like I'm not better at all... It can feel like my life is over. But here's the thing: that isn't true! That is so not true. One little setback is not the end. I have come so far. Things will never be perfect, but they WILL get better.

"Also let us remember that through any illness or difficult challenge, there is still much in life to be hopeful about and grateful for. We are infinitely more than our limitations or our afflictions!"
-Elder Jeffrey R Holland


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Concerts and beauties

Gillian took me to One Direction VERY last minute. She texted me maybe half an hour before we needed to go... Lots of speeding and lots or running happened. We made it right on time and had such a fun time!
 Mikylah and I had ANOTHER summer of concerts! I didn't really take any pictures at Ed Sheeran (which was amazing and beautiful), but we took tons at Taylor Swift! We lit up our dresses and made a sign... we definitely annoyed our section with how bright we were! The 1989 tour was so good, Taylor Swift never ever disappoints. I love going full-on crazy fangirl with this girl!


Monday, June 29, 2015

In my happy place

On Thursday, my mom and I drove down to my favourite place on earth. We spent three nights in Waterton in our motor home with my aunt Steph. (The first night, we were ASSAULTED by moths, there were like 30 of them hiding out in there!) We had a great spot with just the right amount of shade, right up by the mountains. (B5!!)

During our time in Waterton, we "hiked" to Akamina Lake from Cameron Lake (it was more of a stroll), walked through the town site, ate tons of ice cream, played in Red Rock Canyon, and visited Cameron Falls.

We did end up spending all of Saturday at the Boat Club for this year's pig roast. It was boiling hot this weekend, so we spent quite a bit of time on the water kayaking, tubing, and swimming. Despite the resulting sun burns and sore muscles, it was such a good day!

I'm so grateful for this beautiful world our Heavenly Father has created for us, and for the wonderful family I'm a part of!

♥ Kaitlyn